About Matter Thinks

Matter Thinks is an extended philosophical argument in the form of a stream of posts. This argument is for cybernetic materialism, a view that holds that physics explains everything, but only if you include cybernetics — the process by which the future influences the past.

The argument is doubtlessly one-sided as of now, since it’s constructed by a single person (me) and my beliefs are strongly held. But strongly held, I hope, due to evidence and logic rather than faith, ideology or emotional attachment. Not that there’s anything wrong with emotional attachment. But for me, the emotional attachment is not to philosophy but to the mysteries (life, existence, consciousness, language, justice) that philosophy wants to understand.

Who am I? Among other things, an amateur philosopher and a professional cybernetician. If you find this of interest, and have questions or comments, send email to mash at brooklyndigital.net.


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